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“The people of Kibera are like you and me…

…except that they have to live under social injustice and for more justice I am working with other volunteers.”

- Jens Unger, Lufthansa

“I can't change the whole world, but I can make it a little better than I found it.”

You think like Jens and you want to make a difference?

Then make a donation to the people of Amani Kibera.  

Who is Amani Kibera?

Amani Kibera is a non-profit, non-governmental, youth-led Community-Based Organization which came into existence in October 2007, during the tensest political campaigns in the Kenyan history.  The organization was founded on the principle of non-violence by four members who later brought on board other CBOs, youth groups, religious institutions and NGOs to form a network of community peacemakers.

We aim at increasing options, molding right attitudes, choices, and capacities for youth to enhance participation in violence prevention and peacebuilding via recreational activities and education in Kibera.

Our Vision is to pursue a peaceful, healthy and active society, where each individual participates in order to assure the dignity and respect for human rights and the equal sustainable sharing of resources.

You can find more information here:


We are Amani Kibera !

Team Foto Amani Kibera.JPG

The team is supported by two international coaches from Nepal and Germany.

Team Foto incl Coaches.JPG

For more information about our project and how your donation will help, please check out our Video